Cyberinfrastructure for ​Human Dynamics and ​Resilience Research

Project Summary

Disaster resilience research is concerned with learning how people ​prepare for and deal with damage to their communities because of ​events such as floods, fires, pandemics, and other existential threats. ​The concepts of risk, vulnerability and sustainability are very ​important because of the impact they have on individuals’ lives and ​well-being. However, advancing science-based resilience research is ​hard because the data that are used to measure disaster resilience ​come from many different sources and are difficult to merge. Even ​for available data there are few tools available to analyze them, ​especially for researchers who do not have extensive quantitative ​training. This project overcomes these difficulties by developing a ​national cyberinfrastructure called the Human Dynamics and ​Resilience infrastructure that contains large-scale data and analytic ​tools to support and advance human dynamics and resilience ​research. Knowledge gained from visualizing and analyzing the data ​using the infrastructure can better inform policies to increase ​community resilience.

Our Team


Dr. Nina Lam, Ph.D. (Lead)

Louisiana State University

Dr. Heng Cai, Ph.D.

Texas A&M University

Dr. Kisung Lee, Ph.D.

Louisiana State University

Dr. Kenan Li, Ph.D.

Saint Louis University

Dr. Yi Qiang, Ph.D.​

University of South Florida

Dr. Lei Zou, Ph.D.

Texas A&M University

Postdoctoral/Graduate Researchers

Kejin Wang

Louisiana State University


Louisiana State University


  • Qiang, Y., Zou, L., & Cai, H. (2023). Big Earth Data for quantitative measurement of ​community resilience: current challenges, progresses and future directions. Big Earth ​Data, 7(4), 1035-1057.
  • Mandal, D., Zou, L., Abedin, J., Zhou, B., Yang, M., Lin, B., & Cai, H. (2023). Algorithmic ​uncertainties in geolocating social media data for disaster management. Cartography ​and Geographic Information Science, 1-18.
  • Li, X., Qiang, Y., & Cervone, G. (2024). Using human mobility data to detect evacuation ​patterns in hurricane Ian. Annals of GIS, 1-19.
  • Lin, B., Zou, L., Zhao, B., Huang, X., Cai, H., Yang, M., & Zhou, B. (2024). Sensing the pulse ​of the pandemic: unveiling the geographical and demographic disparities of public ​sentiment toward COVID-19 through social media. Cartography and Geographic ​Information Science, 1-19.
  • Abedin, J., Zou, L., Yang, M., Rohli, R., Mandal, D., Qiang, Y., ... & Cai, H. (2024). ​Deciphering Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Flood Exposure in the United States. ​Sustainable Cities and Society, 105444.
  • Tian, H., Cai, H., Hu, L., Qiang, Y., Zhou, B., Yang, M., & Lin, B. (2024). Unveiling ​Community Adaptations to Extreme Heat Events Using Mobile Phone Location Data. ​Available at SSRN 4723749.